by Tachi Skin Care | Jul 31, 2019 | Announcements
The Queen Of Getting Results: Tachi Dodero Reposted from HydroPeptide’s Spa Fancy Blog Jul 31, 2019 Tachi Dodero is a master at getting results as an esthetician, and she has the pictures to prove it. This Portland, Oregon based esthi has a passion for helping... by Tachi Skin Care | May 21, 2019 | Announcements
Which Sunscreen Should I Use? With sunscreens in the news this week, and summer approaching, you may be confused as to whether the sunscreen you are using is safe. Rest assured, we have you covered. We carry 4 different types of mineral sunscreens that only contain... by Tachi Skin Care | May 3, 2019 | Announcements
Welcome to our new website! Earlier this year we decided that it was about time to make our website mobile-friendly. This was especially important to us since we were in the process of moving to a new location. That’s Tachi in the picture, grinning from ear to...