Staph Infections

Staph infections on the face or the body can look much like acne, but staph is much more severe. One way to tell the difference is that the staph will not have symmetrical borders like a pimple or a pustule does. If you suspect that you or a loved one has this, direct them to go to a physician immediately for testing.

Staphylococcus is a group of bacteria that includes more than 30 types of staph, the most common being Staphylococcus aureus. This type of staph usually causes skin infections that may look like red, swollen pimples or boils with pus. It can lead to crusty skin or red, swollen skin that’s hot to the touch.

Telling acne and staph apart can be easy if the staph infection is large, as they will usually resemble boils. It often will not respond to typical acne products and/or treatments. It needs to be treated with the correct antibiotics in order to get it under control.

Content provided courtesy of Face Reality Acne Clinic


Tachi skin Care, Portland, Oregon

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