Acne Specialist

Comprehensive Acne Treatments

Individual Plans to Control Acne

We utilize strategic, individualized plans to control your acne through specific home care products and in-office treatments. Treatment plans include a thorough consultation and a packet of information you can take home. This information covers lifestyle choices, foods, and product ingredients that affect acne-prone skin. We will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your skin to get you clear within 3 to 4 months, and keep you clear. This system has a 92% success rate for individuals who follow the treatment plan.

Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist

Read more about the Face Reality Acne Program (PDF). We also work with long-distance clients.

Adult Acne article featuring Tachi Dodero Adult Acne article featured in Oregon Healthy Living

Acne expert Tachi Dodero is featured in the July 2016 issue of Oregon Healthy Living in the article: Adult Acne (PDF). “Topical treatment creams can be adjusted depending on skin type and acne severity, says Tachi Dodero, aesthetician and owner of Tachi Skin Care. When determining which creams to apply, Dodero evaluates patients for inflamed acne—characterized by red, sensitive areas with cysts, papules, and pustules—and non-inflamed acne, which is marked by blackheads and rough, bumpy areas that aren’t as sensitive…”


Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after acne treatment
Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after acne treatment
Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after acne treatment
Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after Acne treatment
Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after acne treatment
Tachi Skin Care Services: Before and after acne treatment

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