Grand ReOpening at Our New Location!

Tachi Skin Care  1433 NE Alberta St  Portland , OR 97211  541-324-7845  Grand ReOpening at Our New Location!   May 5th 3-6 PM We invite you to join us for a fun-filled afternoon with Tachi Skin Care, Calley Fine Papers and Jenna with Paloma Design at Frock 2 as...

Tips for Clear Skin

Tips for Clear Skin These are some things you can do to help control your acne. Doing these do not take the place of using the right products in the right way for your acne, but they will support the process of getting clear skin. Get enough rest and reduce your...

Top 10 Acne Myths

Top 10 Acne Myths 1. Myth: Washing Your Face Often Prevents Breakouts. Fact: Washing your face several times a day will not do anything to keep you from breaking out. In most cases, it will only serve to irritate and dehydrate your skin. Acne starts deep within the...

Understanding Topical Retinoids

Understanding Topical Retinoids Retinoids are synthetic compounds derived from vitamin A. Studies have shown that these derivatives help clear comedonal and inflammatory lesions while controlling the bacteria implicated in most types of acne. Originally marketed as...

What is Acne?

What is Acne? For most people, acne is an inherited condition of the pores. When someone is prone to acne, their pores clog with dead skin cells much faster than normal. Healthy pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore, but acne-prone...

What Is Acne Rosacea?

What Is Acne Rosacea? Acne rosacea is a chronic but treatable condition that primarily affects the central face, and is often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. It typically begins any time after age 30 and the rosacea symptoms are a flushing or redness on the...
Tachi skin Care, Portland, Oregon

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