Understanding Topical Retinoids
Retinoids are synthetic compounds derived from vitamin A. Studies have shown that these derivatives help clear comedonal and inflammatory lesions while controlling the bacteria implicated in most types of acne. Originally marketed as Retin A, these topical retinoids have gone through numerous transformations over the years. For many of our clients, the use of these prescribed retinoids to manage their acne has fallen short of getting their skin clear. In fact, the cream form of Retin A has a pore-clogging ingedient, isopropyl myristate, in it which will only make acne worse. Most end up with peeling, irritated and still acneic skin.
At Face Reality, after carefully weighing the efficacy of all retinoids, we have chosen to work with Vitamin A Propionate – a non-prescription form of Vitamin A. This particular derivative provides the greatest penetration into the skin, while causing the least irritation while getting the pores clear. Keeping the pores (follicles) clear is the best and most proven way to prevent acne. Vitamin A promotes the formation of new collagen deeper in the skin which helps to repair damaged skin, soften scars, reduce brown spots and makes the skin healthier and more attractive. Numerous studies conclude that the use of Vitamin A Propionate on a regular basis generates new cell formation in the epidermis and its role in managing noninflamed acne, blemishes and blackheads by “clearing” the pores is unparalleled.
For an in-depth study of all the retinoids, please download the rest of this article in the PDF version.
Content provided courtesy of Face Reality Acne Clinic